By Nina K. Migos were recently kicked off their Delta Airlines flight after the crew had claimed there was an incident involving them that led to them being kicked off. Migos road manager told TMZ that Takeoff’s bag was on the floor and not in the overhead or under the front seat, as instructed. Migos had fallen asleep in their first class seating, unaware of what was happening when the flight attendant was trying to tell them to put Takeoff’s bag away. Their manager said that the plane kept heading towards the runway, but then the pilot decided to kick them off the flight after finding out the bag was till on the floor. Migos manager recorded the aftermath of the incident and claimed to sue Delta for Migos missing their show. Their manager also felt it was an act of racial profiling. But this isn’t the first time Migos have been kicked off a flight. Offset was kicked off an American Airlines flight earlier this year for using his cellphone. I got one question…why is Migos still flying commercial?
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