Hobbs & Shaw, now nearing its fourth weekend appears to have left fans of the Fast & Furious franchise seemingly satisfied. This action-filled flick is sure to keep all eyes hooked to the screens as Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) and Shaw (Jason Statham) are forced into a mission, striving for a common goal. The film serves as more of a feast for the eyes than a satisfactory feat for the mind as toughies scurry stealthily from country to country fiercely outdoing wild chases (and super tech vigilante). There are quite a few moments in the film punctuated with forced, mindless comedy. Plainly, just for laughs. Hobbs & Shaw also had a 4DX release in Canada and the US. Cineplex Cinemas at Yonge & Dundas first brought the 4DX experience to Canada. 4DX promises to transform the movie watching experience through a combination of motion, rain, wind, water, fog, vibration, lightning, air, bubbles, scents, ticklers, rainstorm and snow. In other words, 4DX really forces an active viewer experience. © Fast & Furious | Youtube And how immersive was this experience with Hobbs & Shaw? Good enough to make one re-learn how to watch a movie. Feeling the kick, the forceful punch or even a slam is enough to get the adrenaline pumping through the many chase and fight scenes. Yes, your seat punches and shoots you through. Or the warm air and fog during the multiple explosions you witness. And not to forget, the spray of water against one’s face when a champagne bottle shatters on screen. The technology was frequently used to complement several moments of on-screen action, but the constant movements of one’s seat; side-to-side and up-and-down can initially invoke slight perplexity. It takes a while to get used to the experience. And then anything 2D seems lifeless. Unfortunately, the 4DX experience is not meant for everyone. As the general safety warning before the film is presented states, the experience is not suitable for persons who suffer from high blood pressure, heart conditions, back or neck conditions, epilepsy, or any type of medical condition affecting the senses of smell, vision or hearing. And if you’re considering viewing the film, watch Hobbs & Shaw in 4DX for the entertainment feature. The experience will make you hold on to your seat. Literally. Click here to purchase your 4DX tickets. Editor’s Note: The Hobbs & Shaw 4DX experience was sponsored by CJ 4DPLEX |
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